

The Notre Dame Prize for Distinguished Public Service in Latin America

Archbishop of Cap-Haïtien Louis Kébreau was the 2011 recipient of the Notre Dame Prize for Distinguished Public Service in Latin America.

Administered by the Kellogg Institute for International Studies with funding from The Coca-Cola Foundation, the Notre Dame Prize has recognized the efforts of visionary leaders to enhance the region’s welfare by strengthening democracy and improving life for its citizens. The award carries a cash prize, with a matching amount donated to a charitable organization recommended by the laureate.

A consistent and visionary advocate for the poor, Msgr. Kébreau has spent almost 40 years in service to the Catholic Church and the people of Haiti, working tirelessly to ensure that all Haitians have access to a quality education. After the 2010 earthquake, he led the Church’s rebuilding and recovery efforts and served as a vocal advocate for those left homeless.

Upon the recommendation of Msgr. Kébreau, the matching prize was donated to Action et Solidarité contre la Pauvreté (Action and Solidarity Against Poverty), which assists university students in Cap-Haïtien who cannot pay their educational expenses.

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